Friday, 15 December 2023

Lift-out Track for Garage Door

Roger from Mini Train Systems came up with a great solution for where the track enters the garage.  A short lift-out section, complete with convenient handle, drops into place and can be quickly removed, without tools, to allow the garage door to close.  

As a "safety" precaution, the lift-out section is stored on the seat of the driving wagon when not in use.  Don't ask why this precaution is necessary!

Previously, a 1.3 m long half-curve section had to be installed and removed each time, which was quite heavy and took a while even using wingnuts on the fixing bolts.

The lift-out section in place so trains can run.

The lift-out section removed.  Note the convenient handle.

Garage door completely shut.

Brake Modifications to the New Open Wagons

Both of the new open wagons include electrically-operated parking brakes on one bogie.  Parking brakes are essential as most of the track is...