I set out some spare track pieces to test an idea for the next stage of trackwork.
A new point, currently on order, will branch off the current track, to form the start of the main line which will ultimately loop right around the garden. The existing track heading to the right will remain as a spur leading to the garage for train storage. Previously, the start of the main line was about 20 m closer to the garage.
Visible at the bottom of the photo below are the 170 mm long filler pieces supplied by Mini Train Systems to allow for future installation of a point in the middle of a curve, because a point is a bit longer than an equivalent 15° curve section. I originally installed the filler pieces in this location with a different plan in mind, so it is good luck that the new point will fit here.
The revised alignment will require about 20 m of additional straight track. Fortunately, I was able to add this to the current order which is expected to be delivered during December 2023. The length of the main loop will be unchanged, at about 300 m.