Monday, 12 June 2023

Stage 1 Track Delivery

The first delivery from Mini Train Systems was approx. 150 m of track.  This was packed onto 2 large pallets, each approx. 3 m long, and offloaded by a truck-mounted crane.

Mini Train Systems provided this photo of the track prior to shipment.  Also packed on the pallets were the point operating lever and a generous quantity of M6 high tensile bolts, nuts and washers.

After unpacking each pallet, the track pieces were transported 4 or 5 at a time on a 4-wheel garden cart pulled by our ride-on lawnmower.

Most of the track was stockpiled undercover, sorted into curves and straights of various lengths, as well as one left-hand turnout (point) and two special "level crossing" sections to go across the driveway.

Despite it being a short winter's day, I couldn't resist setting out the first few sections which form the train storage area along one side of the garage before dark.

Brake Modifications to the New Open Wagons

Both of the new open wagons include electrically-operated parking brakes on one bogie.  Parking brakes are essential as most of the track is...