Another Denmark resident, Rob Otway, brought over his 0-4-0 steam loco for a run. The loco, 7 1/4" gauge of course, is a scaled up version of a "Juliet" loco originally designed for 3 1/2" gauge. Rob and two other members of the Northern Districts Model Engineering Society built three similar locos at the same time, with completion around 2016.
As the Springdale Miniature Railway doesn't have any specific unloading facilities, Rob brought an existing ramp to allow the loco to be gently rolled down from his trailer onto the track.
After an initial run light engine in the clockwise direction, Rob decided the railway's grades would be better running anti-clockwise, so we we turned the loco by running onto an old sheet metal sign laid on one of the level crossings and swivelling it around by hand. The three available wagons owned by Springdale Miniature Railway provided a decent load especially on the grades of up to 3%.
The video tells the story...
To provide a method of safeworking with two operating locomotives, a token or staff system was implemented so that only one loco was permitted onto the main line at any time.