The next section of track through a lawn area required a shallow cutting in order to limit the grade to the target 1 in 50.
First part of the cutting. |
A section dug out for one 2.6 m long curve track. |
Weed mat rolled out and the track supported at the correct height. |
Track ballasted. Because the rail connection to the ballast pit was severed while the cutting was being constructed, we loaded ballast into flower pots and transported them in the garden cart to be tipped into the ballast wagon. |
Cutting completed. Back on level ground, more or less. |
A relatively late inclusion in the cutting area is a short straight filler section 170 mm long. Its purpose is to allow for the future installation of a left hand turnout (point) for a possible passing loop between here and the driveway. Although the radius of the turnout is the same as the curved track (10 m), the straight portion of the turnout extends 170 mm beyond the "tangent point", so a turnout won't exactly replace a curve section.
Mini Train Systems made up the filler piece promptly once the need for it was identified. The filler piece is so short, it doesn't even have one sleeper and is supplied as two separate rail pieces each with a welded on "fishplate".