Thursday, 5 October 2023

End of Tracklaying for Now


Further tracklaying in progress beyond the lily pond through an area of fruit trees,

As the loco had arrived, for the first time, I was able to use the loco to haul ballast to the work site.  Here is the "work train" loaded with tools and equipment for tracklaying.  The ballast wagon is attached via an extra-long drawbar so that no additional weight is places on the track which is temporarily propped up to the correct height.
Having used up the initial 3 cu.m of ballast, a trip to the local landscaping supplier was needed for an additional trailer load.
This is the limit of tracklaying for now, as we have run out of straight track sections, with only a few curves left over.
A temporary buffer stop fixed to the rails with U-bolts marks the end of track for the time being.  Shortly afterwards, the buffer stop was upgraded with red reflectors and a central rubber bumper.

Brake Modifications to the New Open Wagons

Both of the new open wagons include electrically-operated parking brakes on one bogie.  Parking brakes are essential as most of the track is...